The Importance of fiber connectivity
How many devices are used in your home? If you’ve got a half dozen people using the internet at once, each one of those devices is using up bandwidth. That means that even if you have fairly fast internet speeds, too many devices using that bandwidth at once will slow everyone down.
The number of connected devices can multiply exponentially when we talk about the internet connection in our workplaces. Everyone has a computer at their desk and a phone in their pocket. Let’s look at what fiber internet is, and why establishing good fiber connectivity in your area can keep you connected without waiting on your slow internet.
What is fiber internet?
Fiber internet is a type of broadband internet connection that uses cables made of glass, rather than the traditional coaxial cables or phone lines we used in the past. Light bursts pass information through the glass cable at the speed of light, and they deliver unparalleled speed and bandwidth over the alternatives to fiber optic internet.
We also get symmetrical upload and download speeds with fiber, meaning that the upload and download speeds on our fiber connection will be incredibly fast and nearly identical. So, how fast is fast?
Gig speed internet
You may have heard of Gig speed internet but not know much about it. It’s a relatively simple explanation. Basically, Gig speed internet is capable of reaching speeds of 1000 megabits(Mbps) per second. Let’s compare that to a cable connection.
We recently ran an internet speed test on a high speed cable connection and got speeds of 118.35 Mbps download and 5.96 Mbps upload. The 8.5x difference between gig speed internet and the roughly 120 Mbps cable speed is huge. What’s even more impressive is the fact that when compared to a fiber connection, that paltry 6 Mbps upload speed would feel like a Model T at the Indianapolis 500. There’s just no comparison between the two speeds.
If you have the ability, try fiber optic testing against cable in your area, and see how much faster your connection could be.
Why is fiber connectivity so important in our modern lives?
Maybe you’re reading this on your device while someone else is scrolling through their social media timelines next to you. Are you streaming music or movies in the background? Are any kids in the other room streaming videos or playing games? How many smart speakers or smart appliances are running in your home right now? All of these things eat up bandwidth and result in slower overall speeds.
So many things are connected to the internet these days that there’s a constant drain on your bandwidth coming from numerous places. Some online activities require more bandwidth than others, and an ample supply can have huge implications in some more than others. Let’s look at some ways a fiber connectivity solution can vastly improve our online experiences.
If there’s one thing we can’t get away from in our modern lives is the streaming of videos. From movies to television shows, to the billions of hours of content on services like YouTube and Vimeo, we could spend the rest of our lives watching videos, and many of us do.
If you and the others in your home like to watch different shows at the same time, you are competing for bandwidth. One of the greatest benefits of fiber optic internet is the incredible amount of available bandwidth. If you run into slowdowns at peak hours, it may be time to consider a fiber connection.
Video conferencing
As more and more of us embark on home-based careers, we’ve all been drawn into the world of video conferences. We’ve replaced in-person meetings with virtual gatherings. With that many people connecting at once, fiber connectivity is the best way to ensure everything runs smoothly.
If we don’t have a strong signal, the results can range from choppy playback to dropped calls. When each participant receives their internet service through an optic fiber cable, we don’t have to deal with the miscommunications and wasted time associated with weak signals.
If you’re a fan of online gaming, getting fiber connectivity to your home could be the biggest game changer since high definition graphics. Games are a big investment. You spend a lot of money setting up a great computer, and you invest hundreds of hours exploring new worlds and competing with your friends. It’s no wonder why online gamers can reap some of the biggest benefits of fiber to the home.
The reason gamers gain so much from fiber connectivity is that online gaming requires high end upload and download speeds in order for players to remain competitive. Faster speeds improve reaction time across the board. Don’t set yourself up for failure with a weak connection.
Your current speeds may look good on paper, but what about all those other connected devices? Do you know how much bandwidth is devoted to your favorite games? Anyone in the house engaging in other online activities is going to require some solid bandwidth too, so having an ample supply will keep everyone happy.
Connecting with multiple devices
Even if you don’t stream that much video or play online games, connecting to your internet with multiple devices can significantly slow your internet activity. Each device is constantly using data, whether in the foreground or the background.
Even if you aren’t actively using the device, it’s likely using some of your bandwidth in the background and could be affecting the speed of the devices you are currently using.
Aging infrastructure
If you live in an old home, chances are your coaxial cables, and telephone lines haven’t been replaced in decades. Over time, the metal in those cables can oxidize and become weaker, meaning your internet speeds will be slower than they need to be.
There’s likely a fiber optic line in your neighborhood, but when that signal hits your home’s aging cables, a bottleneck is produced, and the speeds you receive are dictated by what the cables running through your home can handle. In order to eliminate that bottleneck, you’ll need fiber connectivity all the way to your home.
Getting an FTTH connection
An FTTH, or fiber to the home connection, means that every link in the chain from your provider’s central office to your home is constructed of fiber optic cable. There are no bottlenecks to worry about and no potential for things like weather or electricity to affect your internet delivery. It’s a future proof technology, and establishing a connection will keep your internet speeds reliably fast for years to come.
If you find yourself in the market for a fiber connection and are asking, how is fiber optic internet installed, you may want to stop for a minute. Fiber optic cables are extremely sensitive and should be installed by professional technicians. If you want a FTTH connection for your home or business, contact your local provider for assistance. They can tell you what equipment is needed for fiber optic internet and make sure the installation is completed correctly.
Spotty service in rural areas
People who live in rural areas often served by large companies may have slower internet connections than their urban counterparts. With older broadband technology, like cable and DSL, your signal can degrade as it travels a large distance to your home. This means that by the time the signal reaches your device, the speeds may be only a fraction of where they started.
Some people are too far from any cable or DSL infrastructure to use them, so they are limited to satellite as their only option. Satellite is decent, but it falls on the slower end of the broadband scale and can run into problems in inclimate weather. We are long overdue for some new rural broadband solutions.
Establishing fiber connectivity in these areas is an important step toward creating a more equal footing in internet speeds between the residents of big cities and the country.
Wisconsin fiber internet
There’s a big difference between the best internet provider in Wisconsin and the worst, so make sure you go with a great provider. 24-7 Telcom & West Wisconsin Telcom is one of the fiber connectivity leaders in the state and can fill you in on all the pros of fiber optic internet connections to your home.